Sunday, April 6, 2008

Business and Communication

Each transaction in the area of business if a frusler a or sale in a final agreement of ten million dollars combination of the interest goes through an intense critical stage in which all depends on how the individual states, in writing or the more delicate medium of expression. A moment of reflection to convince anyone of the absolute truth of this statement. Almost at the same thinking continues to the inevitable conclusion that anyone who expects to handle important issues must be prepared to put their proposals through this crucial point.
You may think that there are situations where a mastery of the arts of communication are irrelevant, where Own facts speak so strong as to make something more than the mere whisper unnecessary. If this is the verdict to which they cling, I must inform you that you err. For even when it is undisputed in the world of facts and figures, there is still room for doubt and uncertainty to undo his work. To succeed, it is not enough that you are skilled in the handling of the figures and facts. They also must learn to handle women.
This observation of men and is not mine alone, and held in the afternoon professed Mr. Brinston (which launched a thousand powerpoint presentations), which brought so much to our workaday world in the context Communication of their activities. In his famous treaty on the use of graphical ways to convey the impact of the facts and figures. I play an excerpt from his work at:
After a person who has collected data and studies of a proposal with great care so that his own mind is made up as the best solution to the problem, which is apt to feel that your work is about finished. Usually, however, when his own mind is made up, his task is only half done. The biggest and most difficult part of the work is to convince the minds of others, that the proposed solution is better than all of the recommendations are really necessary. Time and again it happens that some ignorant or presumptuous member of a committee or board of directors will upset the carefully thought out plan of a man who knows the facts, simply because the man with the facts can not present his facts enough to easily overcome The opposition. It is often helpless with exasperation that a person having knowledge sees some false conclusion accepted, or taken some wrong policy just because the facts can not be marshalled and presented in a way that effective.
For company to be vital and effective depends on the rapid and correct relay systems of communication and transportation that are available. This compares to the blood vessels in the body, is the great pulse of commerce. And yet, but for one thing, these ships are rendered invalid. I speak now of the communication itself - the soul of current concern. This is the most basic medium of exchange between individuals.
We talk about money as a means of exchange in terms of all the values of property transfers are measured and determined. With equal truth, we can say that the medium of exchange is the human language, in which every human thought must be stamped before it is intelligible to other people. < A href = "" > Number reverse search for information is one of the sites maintained by Sammy Beanard, a Web writer who is active in the telephony market reverse search. Internet &

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